Services to light up your Heart & Soul



Hello I’m Hayley, an Emotional Healing Expert, Artist and Spiritual Teacher, passionate about facilitating impactful change at the heart and soul level.


You’re in the right place if you want to:

Understand yourself from your Soul’s perspective, develop spiritually and trust your intuition.

Heal your Heart so you can finally embrace a soulmate relationship.

Gain freedom from fear and start loving life and your beautiful self.

Book me as an event speaker or TV presenter specialising in the field of love, relationships, art, spirituality or personal development.

Purchase or commission unique, high vibrational art and merchandise.

I didn’t grow up thinking I would be doing spiritual work as a vocation but my Soul had a plan…





After many years of feeling as though love was never going to happen for me; through a combination of working with other spiritual teachers, extensive training in many healing modalities, self-healing and practically applied spiritual development I learned how to start loving myself, heal my own heart and effortlessly welcome the love of life into my life. 

My on-line self study ALIGN TO LOVE course created especially for singles looking for love, allows you to create shifts through powerful video Love Lessons, meditations and healing activations so you can study in your own time, prepare for love and start attracting a Soulmate relationship from the comfort of your own home. 

Our work together is a beautiful and powerful spiritual adventure where your own shifts and development will unfold at the perfect pace for you in a grounded and non-woo woo kind of way.  That means I won’t be chanting, waving joss-sticks around or wearing a floaty kaftan!  But I will always see your highest potential and empower you to trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom.


121 healing programmes are tailored to your needs, using a blend of powerful healing modalities, psychic guidance, and a healthy dose of heart-centrered yet practical coaching allowing you to release what’s holding you back from the life or relationship of your dreams so you can move forwards with grace and ease. 

And If you’d like to speak to me about commissioning art or booking me for a TV presenting or speaking opportunity, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


I would definitely not hesitate to recommend Hayley’s Align to Soul programme to anyone who is struggling to find a direction in life.
Immediately upon discussing my Soul Plan she was able to answer a specific question I had regarding my life that no one had been able to answer before. 
Hayley’s interpretation into my soul’s journey was amazing and accurate, being able to explain why I have experienced many difficult challenges and obstacles. 
I found Hayley very down to earth and approachable and even now, she continues to communicate with me in order to offer further support.


“The thing I love about Hayley is she doesn’t judge you at all.  She completely disarms you, which really does put you in a position of being able to relax and dig deep.  I have found my sessions with her life changing”



“Hayley’s Soul Plan experience has given me an enriching insight into myself and my path, past, present and future.  The wording is crystal clear, the concept is extraordinary as it is accurate. 
So much of what Hayley has identified already resonates with me and I can think of many instances that match what is shining through my Soul Plan.
Work, interests, relationships. There is so much to explore and the Soul Plan is a wonderful way to look forward to life’s journey with heart, joy and excitement. Thank you Hayley, this is a keeper!”


“Immediately after each healing session I felt very relaxed, calm and soothed. After just 2 sessions I felt my mind had much more clarity and I was able to make a big life changing decision which I struggled with for 2 years. Thank you Hayley!”



I was single for many years and the ALIGN TO LOVE Course enabled me to create a really powerful relationship.
I was previously attracting the wrong kinds of relationship which didn’t allow me to grow as a person but in my relationship now I can express myself clearly and it now feels really easy! 
This course had such a natural flow, I especially loved the healing meditations and was so supportive in many areas of my life, not just relationships.  I shifted the relationship to myself in a really big way, got clear on the kind of relationship I wanted and how I wanted to be in relationships.  If you’re on the fence about joining, don’t hesitate!



I can highly recommend Hayley’s healing. She picked up on where I needed healing most, but what I didn’t expect was her to pick up on my feelings, emotions, hopes and dreams. It was absolutely remarkable, she was spot on! Hayley truly has a gift.”


“The ALIGN TO LOVE programme has been so good for me.  The light switches to understanding have gone on, the patterns and behaviours identified, dealt with and peeled away and an appreciation of my true self found. Hayley has worked magic on me. Through her programme and guidance I have found unconditional love and acceptance of myself.
With my new knowledge I feel stronger and better equipped to face the years ahead as me and myself being capable and OK. I can now look on the previous years as being the path to an improved self and love of myself. 
Some of her healing techniques work better than taking pills! Much love and gratitude from me for finign Hayley and benefitting from her special gifts.” 


“Hayley’s ALIGN TO LOVE programme was a really supportive process for me in exploring what I want from new relationships in my life.
It enabled me to challenge some of my deep-seated beliefs about myself, to build my self-esteem and to begin to create a more joyful life. Hayley was incredibly in tune with what I needed in each session. 
There were laughs, tears and a lot of reflection – time was spent where it was needed…I felt completely safe and encouraged every step of the way. I feel like my spirituality has had a real awakening as part of this work. Thanks Hayley – highly recommended!”



“It was like someone had read my deepest innermost thoughts and feelings and finally created a sense of clarity for me in my journey of life.  Thank you Hayley.”



The canvases Hayley produced for us captured the essence and spirit of each area. Working from the brief we gave her she produced 3 beautiful and very different styles of art that demonstrated the diversity of the Company and what we do.”


Helen, QVC  

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