
View your relationship from the eyes of your Higher Self and understand the spiritual lessons you’re being shown, even in difficult times.

Create more harmony, vitality and loving communication between you and your partner.

Be in a place of peace and empowerment within your relationship.

Or if you have been debating whether staying in your relationship is for your best interest, you will gain clarity about your next steps and how to navigate forwards with courage and compassion.

See the description below for further programme information.

ALIGN TO LOVE - SACRED RELATIONSHIPS - Powerful 121 relationship upgrade programme with Hayley Felton Via Google Meet (Similar to Zoom)

"WOW. Where do I start. I came to Hayley for a healing season. Not being a sceptic I was excited to see what route our session would take. At the time I was extremely stressed in life, I had just started a new business, I had a small toddler to look after and my marriage was not in the best place. I opened up to Hayley about a few things before so she knew where I was at emotionally and wanted to be open so it would guide her. After my first session I felt light and my mind felt clearer. I went on a family holiday and had the best time. I came back feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to face my work and focus on my business. This was 3 months ago now and things continue to keep improving. When I feel stressed or unsure I say my affirmations that Hayley gave me and tap in to a more positive place. Thank you Hayley you are truly gifted and an amazing person. Xx - Britt

A bespoke 3 month 121 Sacred Relationship programme with Hayley Felton via Google Meet (similar to Zoom)

Over three months (that's two sessions per month) you will receive a completely tailored to you healing and self development programme which will support you to understand and appreciated your current romantic relationship at a deeper level, understanding the soul contract/s you created together before coming to earth, enabling you to view any challenges with a deeper understanding and more compassion.  Feel more empowered to navigate 'troubled waters' and make decisions about your relationship from an empowered, non-judgemental and supported space.

Your Align To Love (Sacred Relationships) Programme is intuitively guided, working with Spirit I will use a combination of transformational tools to support your journey.

As an example, we might first need to understand a past life that you and your partner shared and clear any recurrent 'negative' themes which have been  playing out in your current relationship and encode new beliefs to support your relationship to flourish.  We may be guided to do some forgiveness work which will more fully open the heart chakra and create more love between you both.  We may do some healing to increase your self confidence and self worth to help you create healthier relationship boundaries or enable you to feel fully seen an heard in your relationship.  You will receive whatever you need to upgrade the level of love in your relationship.   You will be given homework including Soul Aligned Actions to implement between sessions so that you can anchor in the energetic shifts and make any necessary changes to support the upgraded relationship to yourself and your partner.

Once payment has been made I will be in touch to arrange your session dates at mutually convenient times.

Payment plans can be arranged upon request.

And do please contact me if you have any questions.


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<!--more-->View your relationship from the eyes of your Higher Self and understand the spiritual lessons you’re being shown, even in difficult times. Create more harmony, vitality and loving communication between you and your partner. Be in a place of peace and empowerment within your relationship. Or if you have been debating whether staying in your relationship is for your best interest, you will gain clarity about your next steps and how to navigate forwards with courage and compassion.

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